AWS Online Training Course
Sidhi Trainings is supplying comprehensive AWS online instructions. It will help equip you with all the most up to date and mandatory instructions in all AWS cloud computing elements just like EC2, S3, VPC, SaaS, SES, Redshift, SNS IAM, Cloud front, Snowball and Glacier to successfully clean the AWS certification exams. Similarly, the whole AWS online training will provide you with practical experience in working with the real-time cloud computing jobs like Amazon Web Services and its elements such as applications as a Service, Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service and private cloud programming.
As a result at the conclusion of this program, you’ll have proficiency in designing, organizing, and deploying AWS infrastructure, utilizing

AWS Online Training Projects
The practical projects that you will work on during this certification training include:
- A practical workshop on real-time AWS concepts and operations case study.
- The project will be on Cloud Computing with AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Route 53 to lunch a website within a short time.
- Content migration and management in AWS CodeCommit
- Practical on using AWS resource such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Practice deploying and managing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Planning and setting up an Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume
Cloud computing software and technology are active in organizations for virtually every business in their critical operations and processes. As a result, AWS continues to be the leader in cloud services for more than the last five years. AWS leads the market in various aspects of cloud processing, databases, storage systems, delivery systems, and applications that will scale to any organization’s needs.
AWS certified professionals are one of the highest-paid.
AWS Courses offer the most in-depth training to help you meet the demand from diverse technology companies. The trainings will set you up on a successful AWS career path.
The AWS Online Training Certification will Give You Studying and Practical expertise in:
- Amazon cloud computing
- Designing, Planning, and Scaling AWS Infrastructure
- Using AWS Best Practices
- SaaS, IaaS and PaaS Deployment
- Cost evaluation and control
- EC2 Resource
- Flexible adaptation of AWS applications
The above Strategy and Deploy are considered to be the most Important AWS Infrastructure According to Computational content and safety requirements. Our AWS online training Certification Access to a repository of sample interview questions on each topic, and many Missions, simulation of tests. We also provide Lifetime Access to our Digital Training curriculum, includes real-time industry-oriented projects in Competitive prices with Library, 24/7 Support, Placement Guidance and Resume preparation assistance too.
There are no particular prerequisites for taking an AWS Certification Training. Graduates and professionals with a basic understanding of IT Service Management can also take this training. Basic knowledge of a programming language would be helpful for this Certification programme.
- Introduction to cloud computing world
- History
- Cloud business models
- Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models
- Advantages of cloud computing
- AWS Regions and Availability zones.
- Tools to access services.
- Overview of the console.
- AWS Regions and Availability zones.
- Tools to access services.
- Overview of the console.
- AWS ec2(elastic compute cloud)
- Introduction to EC2.
- Pricing models On-demand vs Reserved vs Spot instances.
- Using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) to create the instances.
- Public vs Private Images.
- Sharing Images to other accounts.
- Logging into instances using key pairs.
- Converting pem files to ppk.
- Volumes and types.
- Using snapshots for backup.
- Increasing the size of the volumes.
- Backup and restore process of the EC2 instances.
- Adding network interfaces.
- Assigning static IPs using Elastic IPs.
- Control access to instances using Security Groups.
- Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing.
- Creating ELB from Console.
- Attaching instances to ELB.
- Configuring Ports, Protocols and health checks.
- Enabling sticky session.
- Connection draining.
- Enabling SSL Certificates for https transactions.
- Introduction to CloudWatch monitoring service.
- Monitoring CPU, Memory and network utilization of different resources.
- Creating notifications.
- Introduction to SNS.
- Subscribing to receive notifications.
- Sending alerts using SNS.
- Relational Database Service
- Introduction to Managed database.
- Creating RDS instances using AWS console.
- Choosing an RDS engine and version.
- Public vs Private database instances.
- Multi-AZ setup.
- Backup using snapshots and point in restore.
- Parameter Group.
- Options Group.
- Control access to instances using Security Groups.
- Overview.
- Creating launch configuration.
- Creating auto-scaling group.
- Auto-scaling policies.
- Introduction to Simple Storage Server (S3).
- Storage options (default vs reduced redundancy vs Glacier).
- Creating buckets using Console.
- Uploading and downloading data to S3.
- Building static websites using S3.
- Enable version control on S3.
- S3 access policies.
- Introduction to Glacier.
- Moving data from S3 to Glacier.
- Setting archiving policies on S3.
- AWS Cloud Front (Content Delivery Network Service)
- Introduction to CloudFront.
- Configure S3 backend for CloudFront.
- Configure ELB backend from CloudFront.
- Introduction to SES.
- Introduction to IAM.
- Access controls using IAM.
- Creating users, groups and roles.
- Assigning policies.
- Inline vs Managed policies.
- Introduction.
- Choosing a network design and CIDR.
- Design a simple network.
- Creating Subnets and setup routing as per the design.
- Using IGW to enable internet access.
- Access controls using Network ACLs. Network ACLs vs Security Groups.
- Creating Private connections from data center to AWS.
- Enabling VPC peering between VPCs.
- Introduction.
- Understanding the template format.
- Cloudformation designer.
- Create a simple cloudformation template.
- Managing dependencies.
- Updating the existing stacks.
- Intrinsic functions.
- Pseudo parameters.
- Updating cloudformation stacks.
- Understanding event.
- Cloudformer.
- Installing AWSCLI .
- Installing CLI tools using rpm or pip.
- Configuring credentials.
- AWS CLI syntax.
- Creating and managing resource using CLI.
- Cloud Optimization.
- Cloud migration.