Salesforce Developer Training
Salesforce is the 5th fastest growing platform in an IT domain. And it remains on the top above all CRM software in the world. Salesforce developer is one of the most wanted technologies in the cloud-computing platform. The Salesforce developer training course is designed for those individuals planning to have an excellent career in an IT sector globally. Salesforce Developer is equipped with advanced programming skills required by the top IT companies. Salesforce Developer Training will help you get in-depth knowledge of some important fundamentals on cloud-computing and Salesforce components such as Salesforce MVC architecture, developer console, working with components of Apex data and its scheduling, etc. Western Union, Schneider Electric, Philips, Coca-Cola Germany, Loreal USA, ZOOMOOV, Babajob, Cosmo Films, Janalakshmi Financial Sevices, HCL Technologies, PizzaHut, etc. are the top companies that are using Salesforce. Salesforce CRM is one of the leading CRMs and is used by more than 1,00,000 businesses worldwide. Salesforce is the top leader among cloud-based solution software. This Salesforce Developer Training will provide the necessary skills on the fundamental core concepts on Salesforce Apex and Visualforce, Developer Console, SDFC Data Model, SFDC Security Model, Salesforce1, Data Security and Validation.

Salesforce Developer Training Projects
Students will learn developing
- Billing Application for any communication company.
- Insurance Policy Application for any insurance company.
- Inventory Management Application for any grocery companies.
Trainers will teach students ways to implement various Salesforce tools and techniques based on real-life cases. You will learn
- How to implement a recruitment application on
- How to define automation process for any technology based Busines to business organisation.
The Salesforce developer training courseby Big Classes will help you master in the following subjects:-
- Implement cloud-computing and its services.
- Develop and manage the data model, security model, user interface,etc.
- Explain and its editions.
- Gain knowledge of Salesforce accounts.
- Understand business process automation options.
- Learn about Salesforce Sales (Sales Cloud, Jigsaw) and Salesforce Services (Service Cloud, Remedy Force).
- Create applications and configurations using Apex and Visualforce.
- Learn Salesforce CRM data validation.
- Implement Master-detail relationship.
The Salesforce developer doesn’t require any prerequisites, but can be taken by developers acknowledged with cloud platform and database management, and by an administrator with basic knowledge of computer, Salesforce,and CRM.
- Create Custom Aps,Forms, Tabs,Fields, Layouts, Report Types and Picklist Value Sets.
- Create Custom Views – Public, Private, System
- Buttons,Links, Java Scripts,External Link.Integration with Google Mapor DHL
- Create custom profiles & custom fields
- Define dependent pick lists, Attribute Sets
- Customize lookup fields &formula fields– A thematic,Logical,Date,Conditional Etc.
- Customize page layouts
- Customize standard related lists
- Business Rules and Validation Rules- Creation of custom Rules
- Record types & business processes
- Use field-level security
- Relationship Types
- Master- detail Relationship
- Lookup – Relationship
- Many to Many Relationship(Junction Relationship)
- Introduction to Visual force
- Standard Controllers &Extensions
- Getter and Setters
- Input, Output Fields, Tabs, Forms, Tables, Sections, Images, Check Box, Radio buttons, Buttons, Ext. Links, Attachments, Related and Associated Lists
- CSS Styles
- Standard List Controllers
- Controllers and Controller Extensions
- Overriding Buttons, Links, and Tabs with Visual force
- Creation of Custom Components
- Dynamic Visual force Bindings & Components
- Integrating Email with Visual force
- Visual force Charting
- View State
- Salesforce Lightning Framework
- Open Source Aura Framework
- Lightning Components
- Lightning Page
- Lightning App
- Controls and Scripting
- Reference – aura: , force: , lightning: , ui:
- Introduction to Apex
- Language Constructs
- Data Types
- Variables, Constants
- Expressions
- Assignment Statements
- Conditional (If-Else)Statements
- Loops- While, Do, Do while
- SOQL and SOSL Queries
- Locking Statements
- Transaction Control
- Exception Statements
- Classes, Objects, and Interfaces
- Apex Classes
- Test Class
- Apex Triggers, Events (Before & After)
- Recursive Triggers
- Dynamic Apex
- Batch Apex – Start, Execute, Finish
- Schedule Apex
- Annotations (@Test, @Future
- CORN Functions
- Database Stateful
- Email API
- Debugging
- Writing Apex Classes as Web Service
- Invoking Callouts Using Apex
- Deploying Apex
- Developer Console
- Eclipse Installation and Configuration
- Eclipse Development/Deployment
- An introduction to object-oriented programming, classes, & objects
- Classes, variables & methods, & data objects
- Data objects & relationships between objects
- code variables, data types, & expressions
- Loops, Case statements
- Encapsulation, Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Data Manipulation Language(DML)
- REST & SOAP introduction
- API Pre Requisite and Configurations
- Start Point and service End Point
- API Development
- .Net Integration
- SQL Server Integration
- Outlook/Office Integration
- APEX Governing Limits
- APEX Class Triggers,Queries,Data,Relationships,Heap Etc. Governing Limits
- Overcoming APEX Governing Limits.
- APEX Execution Sequence- Class, Triggers, SOQL, VF pages.
- Best Practices
- DB Amp Setting and Configurations on Live Server.
- DB Amp Administration
- SF_BulkOps
- SF_ColCompare
- SF_CreateKeys
- SF_DropKeys
- SF_Generate
- SF_Refresh &SF_RefreshIAD
- SF_RefreshAll & SF_ReplicateIAD
- SF_Replicate &SF_ReplicateAll