Selenium Online Training Course
A portable software testing framework for web applications is called Selenium. With Selenium, you can create tests without having to learn a test scripting language using a record/playback tool (Selenium IDE). Additionally, it offers a test domain-specific language (Selenese) that enables the writing of tests in a variety of well-known programming languages, such as Java, C#, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby. The majority of current web browsers can then be used to execute the tests. Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms can all run Selenium.

Selenium Online Training Projects
The practical projects that you will work on during this certification training include:
- Work on Real Time scenarios and Manipulate complex Xpath, CSS and important locators
- Design major frameworks from scratch like: Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid, Page Object Model, Page Factories.
- Working with tools like ANT, MAVEN, JENKINS, DOCKERS, GRID for Parallel Execution, LOG4J API, JAVAMAIL API, APACHE POI API, and JDBC.
- Numerous live projects, create intricate frameworks, and create interactive reports using ReportNG, XSLT, and Extent Reports.
- By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to use Selenium to automate any web-based application.
Multi-Browser Compatibility: One of the main factors contributing to Selenium’s success is its ability to run a specific piece of code that simulates a real-world user by utilising a browser’s built-in capabilities across multiple browsers using the same piece of code.
Multi-Language Support:Selenium supports a number of languages, allowing testers to write test automation code in the language they are most comfortable with.
Faster Execution: WebDriver interacts with browsers more quickly than most Selenium tools by using an established protocol (JSON Wire). It is fairly light, and each call only transfers the very bare minimum of data.
The Selenium Training Certification will Give You Studying and Practical expertise in:
Selenium IDE –Â It is one of the Selenium Suite’s simpler frameworks that allows users to record and playback scripts.
Selenium RC –Â The Selenium Suite’s first tool to support many programming languages, including Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Python, and C#.
Selenium WebDriver – The most crucial tool, it is simple to connect with the testing framework and supports a variety of platforms and languages.
Selenium Grid –Â It allows users to run test scripts simultaneously on many machines and is used for parallel or distributive testing.
The above Strategy and Deploy are considered to be the most Important Selenium Training Infrastructure According to Computational content and safety requirements. Our Selenium training Certification Access to a repository of sample interview questions on each topic, and many Missions, simulation of tests. Real-time industry-oriented projects in Competitive prices with Library, 24/7 Support, Placement Guidance and Resume preparation assistance too.
There are no particular prerequisites for taking Selenium Training. Graduates and professionals with a basic understanding of IT Service Management can also take this training. Basic knowledge of a programming language would be helpful for this Certification programme.
- Introduction to Selenium
- Comparison with other tools
- Components of Selenium
- What is Selenium IDE
- Installing IDE
- Record and playback
- Converting selenium script into other languages
- Selenese Commands
- Limitations of IDE Debugging in IDE
- Batch testing in IDE
- Default Timeout
- User Extensions
- Introduction to Java
- Installing JDK
- Configuring Eclipse IDE
- Creating Java Project
- Sample Java Program
- Classes and Objects
- Downloading Selenium server jar
- Configuring Selenium into the Java Project
- Conditional Statements in Java
- Loops in Java
- Arrays in Java
- Array List in Java
- Methods in Java
- Utility Functions in Java
- Local and Global variables in Java
- Static and Instance Variables in Java
- Hash Set in Java
- Method Overloading in Java
- Constructors in Java.
- Inheritance in Java
- Packages in Java
- Browser Launching Automation
- Working on
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome
- Opera
- IE
- Firebug and Fire path
- Login functionality test
- Locators in Webdriver
- Methods in Webdriver
- Firefox Profiles
- Making webdriver launch a customized instance of Firefox
- Basic HTML notations
- Links Testing
- Clicking on a link and validating
- Capturing all links in a page
- Capturing links from a section of the page
- Capturing links from a section of the page and validating them.
- Links Testing
- Visible links and Hidden links
- Validating all the links based on href property
- Checking for broken links
- Dropdown Testing
- Selection an option from the dropdown
- Select class to automate dropdown
- Capturing all element in a dropdown
- Checking if all options in dropdown are working correctly
- Validating multiple dropdowns
- Running tests in background
- Headless Testing
- HtmlUnitDriver ,PhantomJS
- Rhino,Ghost driver
- Types of Xpaths
- Relative and Absolute
- Creation of relative Xpaths
- Creation of Absolute Xpaths
- Customizing Xpaths
- Handling Dynamic Xpaths
- Xpath Axes
- CSS Selectors
- Creation of CSS Selectors
- Comparison between Xpath and CSS Selectors
- Relative and Absolute CSS
- Handling Dynamic CSS Selectors