Devops Online Training
DevOps development practice is the synchronization of Development and System Operations to efficiently develop and deploy software through seamless communication, integration, collaboration, and automation. Automation and Monitoring are the two main criteria of DevOps. it improves business efficiencies by reducing time taken to make system level changes and setting these changes into production that is of high quality.

Devops Online Training Projects
From this DevOps Online Training you will able to learn all the Concepts of DevOps Online Training course with real-time scenarios, live examples by real-time professionals. DevOps technology is designed with combining Development, Testing, Infrastructure, Admin and Production Support for Software Project operation in the IT industry. Currently, most of the IT Companies are using DevOps. This Course is designed to meet IT industry requirements like continuous development and version control, configuration management, continuous integration and continuous monitoring using demanded DevOps tools like Git, Puppet, Chef, Docker, Jenkins, Nagios, etc. It helps for frequent deployment of software and faster resolution of problems. Enroll today and attend DevOps demo by our real-time expert.
This course will give you real world project based training on DevOps tools to fully certify you as a DevOps professional. It includes the best principles of AWS Devops course which is the current industry gold standard.
It spans 45 hours of live interactive sessions. Our practical courses help you to master various Operations and Development within an organization to make the lifecycle of an application faster and more predictable for both Developers and Operations team. It is focused on developing job ready DevOps practitioners.
During this DevOps online training, you will learn the full gamut of best practices from development, testing, and configuration management to continuous deployment, and monitoring throughout the development life cycle of the software. If you are wondering how to learn DevOps, this course will have ample focus on tools based on the Devops course best practices.
Our course modules will train you in communicating, collaborating and automating key processes and systems in a development cycle to develop faster and robust software solutions. By the end of this course, you will gain proficiency in using tools like Jenkins, Dockers, Puppet, Ansible and more.
- Why DevOps?
- What is DevOps?
- DevOps Market Trends
- DevOps Concepts
- DevOps Practices
- DevOps Delivery Pipeline Preview
- Types of shell
- Shell scripting basics
- Hands-on session using commands
- Sample examples for scripting
- Commands Cheat sheet
- Scripting vs programming
- Introduction to python
- Python2 vs Python3
- Basics of Python
- Most used Libraries for automation and some examples
- What is version control
- What is Git
- Why Git for your organization
- Install Git
- Common commands in Git
- Working with Remote Repositories
- Branching and Merging in Git Preview
- Git workflows
- Git cheat sheet
- What is CI
- Introduction to Jenkins (With Architecture) Preview
- Introduction to Maven
- Introducing containerization
- Introducing Docker
- Understanding images and containers
- Running Hello World in Docker
- Introduction to Container Preview
- Container Life Cycle
- Sharing and Copying
- Base Image
- Docker File
- Working with containers
- Introduction to Docker Ecosystem
- Docker Compose
- Docker Swarm Preview
- Managing Containers
- Running Containers
- Introduction to Docker Networking
- Network Types
- Docker Container Networking
- Revisiting Kubernetes Cluster Architecture
- Understanding Kubernates terms
- Deployment in Kubernetes – YAML Preview
- Deployment strategy in Kubernetes
- Introduction to Puppet
- Puppet Installation
- Puppet Configuration
- Puppet Master and Agent Setup
- Puppet Module Preview
- Node Classification
- Creating few puppet modules (some examples)
- Introduction to Ansible
- Ansible Installation
- Write Playbooks Preview
- Executing adhoc command
- Understanding Ansible Roles
- CI/CD with DevOps tools (Git , maven , Jenkins ,
Sonarqube , Tomcat , Docker , Ansible/Puppet ) – deploy a
website on multiple enviroments
- Why Cloud?
- Introduction to Cloud Computing Preview
- Why DevOps on Cloud?
- Introduction to AWS
- Various AWS services
- DevOps using AWS
- Real time scenario of END to END Lifecycle of DevOps will be performed practically.
- Will provide guidance on how to tackle the DevOps interview.
- Provide Interview Questions for the technologies covered
- Trainer has extensive work experience on the Migration Cloud from Scratch and trained cloud professionals on the same.
- Gave so many trainings on Git, JIRA, and Jenkins for continuous integration and the Puppet, Nexus and Liquibase tools for continuous deployment.
- He has provided continuous integration/continuous deployment chains and also trained students on ELK (Elastic search-logstash-Kibana) to monitor applications and test them.
- He passed AWS certification Solutions Architect and is also ITIL Certified.
- In his trainings he prepares the candidates to be market ready.